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Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The Way of Grace

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— Contents —
I fell in love again a thousand times today
with everyone I saw or touched,
with everything I smelled or tasted.

My garden is so full, the colors are so beautiful.
The sounds, the tastes of life fill me to overflowing
with joy. — Martina Boudreau


Through his teachings and guidance I have discovered within myself a world of such unbelievable and indescribable beauty that I weep for joy and awe. The amazing thing is that nothing changes in the external world. Everything is just as it always was. Yet when the veil is dropped from the eyes as the heart is opened by his love, then the world becomes an entirely different place. The sky looks bluer, the flowers have a stronger perfume, the children’s innocence is greater, and there is the growing realization of the simplicity of the world. We try to make things difficult, but everything is truly so simple. — Janice Haddad, England

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